I've been living in my Dublin apartment now for about a week. One thing that has struck me is - not necessarily how small the apartment is - but how narrow and low some of the fixtures are.
The en suite (that's posh irish for a tiny master bathroom) has a few quirks to it that just don't fit me. The shower for instance . . .
I'll confess that I've put on a little weight being on an expense account for the last four months (10 lbs or 4.5 kilos or three quarter stone), but trying to get into this shower has me sucking my admittedly ample gut in.
Also the sink basin hits me just above the knees and when I look in the mirror, I can't see anything above my chin. If decided to shave only what I saw in the mirror, I may end up looking like General Ambrose Burnside. At least the mirror I can fix. I'm getting the hammer!
Lastly, the spacing on these double decker buses - not made for people over 5'6". I once took a seat on a bus which ended up getting very crowded. When somebody sat down next me and made me squish toward the window, I thought my kneecaps were going to fuse with the seat in front of me. I have since learned where the American sized seats are on the bus: Just behind the staircase on the upper deck and the center seat in the very back row (let the legs stretch as far down the aisle as you like).
I suppose that I am the visitor here. I need to keep sucking in my gut and pulling my knees into my chest if I'm going to fit in around here.
Yikes! Hey, is there a tub for RJ to bath in?! I forgot to ask.
Do like we do here in America - complain to the Irish gov't that their customs and traditions aren't working for you and that you expect the Irish people to change their ways and accomodate for you!!
And stop all that gaelic stuff and speak American English already!
@Beth - Yes, there is a Tub for RJ.
@Brian - I'll bitch and moan until they give me the keys to the Guinness Storehouse.
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