The Best Part: The characters are really starting to pop. There are two characters who are really starting to grow on me:
Superior Glokta - the victim of brutal torture now turning the tables and using his learned torture skills as an Inquisitor. At times, you get to see shreds of his humanity shining through. However, having been subject to such brutality as a prisoner of war has truly warped him.
Logen Ninefingers - A barbarian berzerker whose bloody past has given him true appreciation for the simple things in life, though he struggles to find himself useful in situations outside of battle.
The first book resonated the theme of the Yin and the Yang - there is good in evil and evil in good. This book focused more on themes of battle and war, for example the rich wage the wars, but the make poor fight the wars.
The Worst Part: I find it hard to find a worst part of this book. I really enjoyed it. I would advise, however, that if you don't like swearing or sex scenes in your reading, you might want to stay away from this book.
Rating: I give this book a ten out of ten. The characters are engrossing and the plot lines are better developed in the first book. This was the best fantasy book that I've read since Patrick Rothfuss' Name of the Wind. This is a good series to read if you like good fantasy, great characters and an intriguing plot.
Memorable Quote: "War is harshest on the brave."
Will I read the next book: Yes, already started.
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