IHRIM HRMStrategies Conference 2010, Las Vegas. I won an Excellence Award, a $100 American Express Gift Card, and $200 at the Chairman's Texas Hold 'em Tournament. I renewed old friendships and set the foundations for new ones. I received some good advice and shared some good advice. Mostly, I learned. I learned quite a bit and I'd like to share some of that knowledge with you lest I let it flutter from my head without being used.
1) Good leaders don't compromise their values. Most managers (when asked) will say that Family and Integrity are the values that are most important to them, but they are also the values that they feel they compromise the most as managers. I really need to stop this compromising of my family for my job. (Thanks to Stan Slap for this bit of information)
2) The top three things that give you a return on investment in HR are implementing a Shared Services model, outsourcing your application hosting, and implementing competency management. I'm still not sold on the hosting - as I believe it depends on company size. But I was surprised to see competency management in the top 3. (Thanks to Lexy Martin and Karen Beaman for this data)
3) Bring it up, talk it up, wrap it up. I have found that I don't often speak up when I see something wrong. I'm more a walk-away person. Instead of resolving issues, I'd wait until they piled up too high for me to bear then I'd walk away. That is why I Haven't spent more than 3.5 years at a company. This just in - I just passed the 3.5 year mark at my current company. I need to address issues when they come up instead of letting them fester, which will only lead to my own discomfort. (thanks to Helanie Scott for this advice)
Other conference attendees: What profound piece of wisdom did you pluck from the conference?
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