Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Buzzword Bingo

How many "Lives" does your company have? What? I was asked this question once today at the IHRIM HRMStrategies Conference. Then I heard the term "Lives" in another educations session later that day. Let me put a stop to this now. Companies have employees, not "Lives."

If you are one of the people that is currently trying to promote the use of "Lives" as opposed to the terms "Employees" or "Headcount," you seriously need to stop trying to play buzzword bingo. You’re failing miserably.

Companies employ people to do work; that is why the terms "Employer" and "Employee" exist. Even though you may like to stake claim to our lives, please note that it is inappropriate to do so.

Stop it.


I mean it.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I feel that Sheeple is funny and much more accurate!!


Sheepy Sheepperson - employee, life, 1 headcount

Thank you.